The Black Box of .NET Headline Animator

January 11, 2025

How to Control Namespace Prefixes with LINQ to Xml

LINQ to Xml is a great improvement over the XmlDocument DOM approach that uses types that are part of the System.Xml namespace. LINQ to Xml uses types that are part of the System.Xml.Linq namespace. In my experience, it shines for a large majority of the use cases for working with XML by offering a simpler method of accessing:
  • Elements (XElement)
  • Attributes (XAttribute)
  • Nodes (XNode)
  • Comments (XComment)
  • Text (XText)
  • declarations (XDeclaration)
  • Namespaces (XNamespace)
  • Processing Instructions (XProcessingInstruction)
However, this post isn't intended to be an intro to LINQ to Xml. You can read more about it here. The remaining use cases that need more complex and advanced XML processing are better handled by utilizing the XmlDocument DOM. This is because it has been around longer (since .NET Framework 1.1) whereas LINQ to Xml was added in .NET Framework 3.5. As a result the XmlDocument DOM is richer in features. I'd liken it to working with C++ instead of C# - you can do a lot more with it and it's been around a lot longer, but it is more cumbersome to use than C#. Now getting back to the matter at hand... When working with namespace prefixes using LINQ to Xml, it will handle the serialization of the prefixes for you. This is handled both by the XmlWriter as well as calling XDocument.ToString() or XElement.ToString(). This is helpful in most cases as it abstracts all of the details and just does it for you. It's not helpful when you need to control the prefixes that are serialized. Some examples of when you might need to control prefix serialization are:
  • comparing documents for semantic equivalence
  • normalizing an xml document
  • or canonicalizing an xml document

Even LINQ to Xml's XNode.DeepEquals() method doesn't consider elements or attributes with different prefixes across XElement or XDocument instances to be equivalent. How disappointing. 

Here is an example of how LINQ to Xml takes care of prefix serialization for you:
const string xml =  @"
<x:root xmlns:x='http://ns1' xmlns:y='http://ns2'>
    <child a='1' x:b='2' y:c='3'/>

XElement original = XElement.Parse(xml);

// Output the XML
The output is:
<x:root xmlns:x="http://ns1" xmlns:y="http://ns2">
    <child a="1" x:b="2" y:c="3" />
Now create an XElement based on the original. This illustrates that the namespace prefixes specified in the original XElement are not maintained in the copy:
XElement copy =
  new XElement(original.Name,
      .Select(e => new XElement(e.Name, e.Attributes(), e.Elements(), e.Value)));

Console.WriteLine("\nNew XElement:");
The output is:
New XElement:
<root xmlns="http://ns1">
  <child a="1" p2:b="2" p3:c="3" xmlns:p3="http://ns2" xmlns:p2="http://ns1" xmlns="" />

What happened to my prefixes of x and y? Where did the prefixes p2 and p3 come from? Also, note how there are some additional namespace declarations that aren't in the original XElement. We didn't touch anything related to namespaces when we created the copy; we just selected the elements and attributes from the original. You can't even use XNode.DeepEquals() to compare them for equivalence since the attributes are now different as well as the element names. I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

Controlling the prefixes yourself, although not very intuitive, is actually really easy. You might consider trying to change the Name property on the xmlns namespace declaration attribute to get the prefix rewritten. However, unlike the XElement.Name property which is writable, the XAttribute.Name property is readonly.

One caveat here: IF you happen to have superfluous (duplicate) namespace prefixes pointing to the same namespace, you are out of luck. I've written a lengthy description about this on Stack Overflow answering this question: c# linq xml how to use two prefixes for same namespace.

Would you believe me if I told you that LINQ is actually going to help you rewrite the prefixes? In fact, it doesn't just help you, it rewrites all of the prefixes for you! I bet you didn't see that coming! This is because modifications to the xml made at runtime cause LINQ to Xml to keep its tree updated so that it is in a consistent state. Imagine if you did made a programmatic change that caused the xml tree to be out of whack per se and the LINQ to Xml runtime didn't make updates for you to keep things in sync. Well, welcome to debugging hell.

So, all we have to do are a couple of really simple things and LINQ to Xml handles the rewriting for us. There are two approaches: you can either create a new element or modify the existing one. I've done some performance profiling and found that for larger documents above 1MB it is more efficient to create new elements and attributes rather than modifying existing ones. Some of this has to do with all of the allocations that are made when LINQ to Xml invokes the event handlers on the XObject class: see XObject Class. These are fired, thus allocating memory, regardless of whether you have event handlers wired to them or not. I'll show you both patterns so you can decide what works for you. The steps to rewrite vary depending on which approach you decide upon.

Let's use the following xml as an example with the assumption that we want to rewrite these prefixes for both namespaces that are declared and we want to rewrite prefix a to aNew and prefix b to bNew:
XNamespace origANamespace = "";
XNamespace origBNamespace = "";
const string originalAPrefix = "a";
const string originalBPrefix = "b";

const string xml = @"
<a:foo xmlns:a='' xmlns:b=''>
  <a:bar b:att1='val'/>

Creating a new XElement

There are three steps.
Step 1: Create a new XNamespace and point it to the namespace whose prefix should be rewritten
// Define new namespaces
XNamespace newANamespace = origANamespace;
XNamespace newBNamespace = origBNamespace;
Step 2: Create new namespace declaration attributes that use the XNamespaces you created in Step 1
XAttribute newANamespaceXmlnsAttr =
  new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "aNew", newANamespace);
XAttribute newBNamespaceXmlnsAttr =
  new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "bNew", newBNamespace);
Step 3: Create a XElement that you will use this new namespace and contains all of the elements, attributes, and children of the original XElement
// Create a new XElement with the new namespace  
XElement newElement = 
  new XElement(newANamespace + originalElement.Name.LocalName,
      .Select(e => 
        new XElement(

Modifying an existing XElement

There are four steps with the last step being optional depending if you want to remove the old namespace prefix declaration. THe first two steps are identical to the creating a new XElement approach.
Step 1: Create a new XNamespace that has the new prefix you want and point it to the namespace whose prefix should be rewritten
// Define new namespaces
XNamespace newANamespace = origANamespace;
XNamespace newBNamespace = origBNamespace;
Step 2: Create new namespace declaration attributes that use the XNamespaces you created in Step 1
XAttribute newANamespaceXmlnsAttr =
  new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "aNew", newANamespace);
XAttribute newBNamespaceXmlnsAttr =
  new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "bNew", newBNamespace);
Step 3: Modify the original XElement by adding the new namespace declaration attributes
Step 4 (optional): Remove the original namespace declaration that has now been rewritten
// now remove the original 'a' and 'b' namespace declarations
  .Attribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + originalAPrefix)?
  .Attribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + originalBPrefix)?
I hope you found this helpful. Drop a comment and let me know.


December 24, 2024

Memory Leaks - Part 2: Debugging Tools to Diagnose a Memory Leak

If you are reading this you may be in the unfortunate position of looking for an elusive and possibly intermittent problem in your production application. Debugging and diagnosing a memory leak or an OutOfMemoryException can be a daunting, intimidating and challenging task. Fortunately, there are a number of tools to help; some of these are "paid license" apps, but there are even more tools that are free. I'll discuss some .NET Debugging Tools available. I've used all of the following tools with the exception of SciTech .NET Memory Profiler. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I prefer the free tools for several reasons:

  1. Getting approval for licensing and purchase of a 3rd-party tool is an uphill task and you rarely have time to wait for the approval process when it is a production issue.
  2. I find the feature set of a combination of the free tools gives you the largest "surface area" of features to help. Some are better at strict data collection, others have graphical views, some are static for post-mortem debugging, and others can do real-time analysis.
  3. Even though these are free, they are very robust and provide just as much data as the paid license tools. A good example of this is WinDbg which was developed in 1993 by Microsoft for in-house debugging of the Windows Kernel.

Free Tools


  • Duh! It's free
  • There are lots of tools to choose from
  • All of the ones I've seen are from reputable and well-known companies.
  • You can often find blog posts (ahem...), articles, reddit threads, etc. that can provide some direction for getting started.


  • Formal documentation can be lacking. Finding a blog post or article is great but comprehensive detail is often missing or at best glossed over. This can make getting started a bit more of a challenge if the tool is new to you.
  • Your company may have restrictions on using free tools for fear of malware, liability, or other reasons.

Licensed Tools

Hope this helps!


May 14, 2019

Unifying .NET - One framework to rule them all?

.NET 5 is on the way and scheduled to be delivered in November 2020. It is meant to unify .NET Framework, .NET Core, Mono (and possibly .NET Standard) - i.e. the entire .NET Platform.

After 17 years of working in .NET (since it was first released in 2002), I'm excited to see a unified solution to the splintered framework that .NET has become as of late.  IMO, .NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET Standard, and Mono have grown into a big bad monster that is growing faster than its parts can manage. While we know (and expect) technology to evolve and grow over time, we hope that it doesn't fragment and splinter so much that its parts become dissimilar.  I've seen it grow from a set of APIs that were questionable to something that is almost overwhelming - and certainly difficult to keep up with.  I'm pleased to see that Microsoft has acknowledged the splintering and has been working on a solution since at least December 2018.  I'm looking forward to seeing how much simpler things will become.

Now if they could just FINALLY fix "Edit and Continue"...........

(image is copyright of Microsoft)


April 19, 2019

Missing Start Page from Visual Studio 2019

Oh Microsoft, why hast thou forsaken the beloved 'Start Page' and replaced it with a modal window?

The new 'Start Window' which replaces the 'Start Page'

You can see the design reasoning behind the new VS 2019 Start Window as posted at 'Get to code: How we designed the new Visual Studio start window' and 'New Start Window and New Project Dialog Experience in Visual Studio 2019'.

I sincerely appreciate any amount of thought, consideration, or testing that a company decides to invest in their products - especially a flagship produce like Visual Studio.  Based on the design reasoning Microsoft certainly had good intentions and did put a good amount of thought and testing into the effort.  However, I think they missed the mark.  Perform any Google search on "missing start page visual studio 2019" or look on the Developer Community Feedback Site and you'll see devs crying out for the beloved Start Page.

Some things are better left untouched and left alone and the Start Page is one of them. Some might argue the new 'Start Window' is a better experience but why make it a modal window?  Really?  In Visual Studio 2019 Preview 1, at least the option to restore the 'Start Page' was available as an option in the Startup settings:

However, somewhere along the way the 'Start Page' item has disappeared from the drop-down...headsmack!  Here's what the options are in version 16.0.2:

Ok, now I'm getting frustrated.  I get it. You're trying to funnel me into this new window that you think is better.  Well, my response is

Fortunately, Microsoft hasn't completely done away with the 'Start Page'...yet.  You can still add it by customizing the toolbar to add the Start Page button:

1. Right-click the toolbar and select 'Customize':

2. Select the 'Commands' tab:

3. Select 'Toolbar' and change the dropdown to whatever menu you'd like, then click the 'Add Command' button:
4. Choose 'File' from the Categories list box, then select 'Start Page' from the Commands list box:

So, there you go!  At least it's still there for now.  I'd bet any amount of money that they change the experience back so that either the 'Start Page' option is available from the Environment/Startup setting. To be fair, Microsoft has improved significantly at listening to community feedback.

March 5, 2015

Angular2 and TypeScript

This is awesome for the Client side scripting world! I LOVE both of the languages and the features and safety of each.  Great collaboration!
